Tuesday, August 18, 2009


For the past two weeks I have really been trying to figure out what God is to me. If I had one word to describe him what word would it be? I have been thinking about it alot, and I think I have that word. That word has to be - everything-. God truely is my everything, I dont make decisions with out him, I know he guides my path, makes my path straigh. With Him I can do anything.

For the first time in my life I really understand that God is number one in my life. I think to make God number one you have to surrender all to him. I thought it was impossible but I realize God is the God of impossible. God has everything in my life, he has my past, present and future. Even when it looked like he didnt have my future I can now look back and realize he knew everything. he knew the heartache, the pain, the tears, the hell I would have to go through to appreciate who he is. For that I would not change a thing.

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