Saturday, July 3, 2010

what we are without God...


Recently, I was reading through Genesis 2. This is the chapter where God creates Adam and Eve. As I was reading through the specific details of how God created people, God hit me square between the eyes with a profound truth.

Look at the process…

STEP 1 – God formed man out of the dirt from the ground.

STEP 2 – God breathed into the man’s nostrils the breath of life.

STEP 3 – The man became a living being.

Here’s what God spoke directly to my heart while reading about this process in Genesis 2…


Whether or not you know it or believe it, we are completely and desperately dependent on God. Without God breathing into life into Adam, he was simply just a pile of shaped dirt (like when you form shapes out of sand when you go to the beach).

Today, think about your dependency level on God. Are you desperate for Him? Are you dependent on Him?

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