Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jesus first?

The worst thing you can do as a Christian is to try and put Jesus first in your life.
I know it sounds good, and Lord knows, I’ve said it plenty:
Put Jesus first, your family second, your job third…
But it’s a flawed paradigm.

Jesus doesn’t want to be first on your list. He doesn’t need your shout out.
He’s not content to be first in your life.
He insists on being the center of your life.

Putting Jesus first in my life means I kind of segregate Him from my other priorities.
Making Him the center of my life means I integrate Him into every priority.

It’s not Jesus, then my family, then my job…
It’s Jesus: in my family, in my job…

It’s not Jesus, then anything…
It’s Jesus in everything!

Just my thoughts...

1 comment:

lala said...

wow i love this post i honestly love your concept on this matter. I honestly never saw things this way until a few months when a great friend had me make a list of my priorties then she asked me where god was at? i felt he was there..then she told the importance of keeping him in the center of it all and i live by that now. If God isn't there i just cant be there or do that...definitely love ur blog