Wednesday, November 28, 2007

what a week

this week has been frustrating, fun, sad and exciting.

tuesday- found out my mentor/youth pastor is leaving

wednesday- flippin busy as work

thursday- thanksgiving- worked and drove

friday- shopping

saturday- drive home to have car die many times

sunday- church was sooo sad, car died again

monday- car died again*

tuesday- car died again baught new battery, didnt work, couldnt return it, smoke appears out of the tail pipe

wednesday- car is still dead and smoke is way worse, got new phone yay.

*funny story: car died when I got off of work monday. my awesome old roommate mack came and jumped my car. as we are talking and letting the battery run somehow the door locks. now my keys are locked in the car, remember the car is still running. my spare keys are lost, I dont know where they are. so mack takes me to my house to look for em and they are nowhere to be found. luckily my hippy roommate has a wire coat hanger, so we take that and open my car door. I dont like cars.

all this bad stuff happens yet my only thought that stays with me is that God is in controll. Im learning to trust him more and more everyday. Im falling more in love with him every minute of the day. hes amazing, crap is happening to me yet I still know hes in controll. kyle leaving sucks but I know its God's will and Im so excited for him. my car can be fixed, its expensive yet who cares. I have amazing friends who are willing to help. whatever, I LOVE GOD AND HE LOVES ME.


Jeni said...

you are ridiculous... yup that's right... keep on callin to get your battery charged and thats not even the problem... crazy person... crazy i tell ya

bobby said...

That's awesome bro! Glad to hear such a positive attitude through it all.

And I like the new layout here too. Except for the Steeler over there, but oh well. No one's perfect. It's better than having the Dodgers on here...I guess. ;)